Thursday, December 07, 2006

Sainikudu : A Big Disappointment

What a disappointment Sainikudu is! Maheshbabu is a gift to have as a hero especially after the mega success of Pokiri but director/producer combo failed to encash his mega brand image. Gunasekhar now for a while has been concentrating on unnecessary things leaving vital aspects of film making in the soup. Technically he is brilliant, but high techincal aspects alone will never help a movie. There are other imnportant things like story, characterizations, screenplay, editing etc. Sainikudu is high on technical aspects while completely lacks and is boring to the core in other departments. As individual scenes it scores higher than any mother movie released in recent times and hence the scenes if viewed individually are excellent, but when are gelled togather to form a movie it falters big time. Villian is a joke and is a major drawback. A hero should always have an opposite with equal might for viewers to have any interest in the dual. This is lacking in Sainikudu. Anyways, coming to the trade report, the movie opened with breathtaking collections which was expected but how well the movie holds up after the first week has to be seen. As of now according to pundits and my own observation the downfall is inevitable but to what range has to be seen. Check out this website again for the trade report in the second week. A flop for Mahesh only ensures that Chiru will continue as the undisputed king of telugu cinema.